I have procrastinated long enough regarding this post! Actually, my dad juz reminded me a couple of minutes ago over MSN. Its been delayed because some photos are still in my friend's laptop! hahah.... Excuses!!
1st day was our drive to LA. We met in Stanford before setting off in 2 cars. And halfway through, we were supposed to stop at a museum called Hearst Castle.
The drive to Hearst Castle...well.... was really quite an experience. A few entries away, i was commenting about how scary it was to drive on the highspeed, but straight highways in the US. Now, we are supposed to go on Highway 1. Its highspeed... not exactly straight...and its only 2 lane!! Now, thats intimidating!! And it goes through hills!!.... On top of that, we encountered fog halfway through.... my god! One wrong turn, and we go down the cliff! Just an idea about what i was going through from 7am till 1.30pm.... here is what i was looking at most of the time...

Hey, it doesn look so bad here... coz we happen to be at the bottom of the hill. Its the only time i can have a hand free to take a pic while in the driver's seat!
But highway 1 has really proved itself to be one of the most scenic drives in the bay area. Never regretted volunteering to be the driver for this group of people. They entertained me along the way, i was glad they did not puke from all that winding driving.
Presenting my crew....

and the view....:)

After all that torture of winding roads.... we could finally see Hearst Castle...