Chuan is now in Japan, on a similar program as i am. We were exchanging views on how Singapore is lacking. Before we came out to "see the world", Singapore was so perfect.....but not anymore. Singapore is so rush-rush-rush, and people are so concerned with their own lives, to the extent that some of us think that the world only revolves only around us.
He sent me some pics of Japan.... wayyyy cooolll.... would love to go there one day! Since he is too boh chup to blog, i will be posting on his behalf.

If there is one thing that the Singapore Government is uniquely good at, is giving out cash packages....that is Uniquely Singapore!
Japan is a nice place to visit.
I dunno man, stay in Japan enough and the people n culture will begin to piss you off. The Japanese excels at talking in circles rude as Singaporeans are, sometimes the frankness is refreshing. =)
I just bought an alarm clock that vibrates in the ear from Tokyo. Haha! Talk about anal. A normal alarm clock rings loudly n disturbs the people around you so the Japanese came up with the 'manner' alarm clock. Pretty nifty stuff eh.
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