Sunday, November 12, 2006

Fish Head La-Mian with Dumplings???

Its getting really cold, and im craving for hot soups...esp, the fish head steamboats which i used to enjoy with my Dad.

And i happened to chance upon this place called, "Ray's House of La-Mian". Their menu, is unique. They actually have a dish called "Fish-Head La-Mian with Dumplings". And the cook.... is yours sincerely....haha...

Give me some credit lah. Its my most adventurous dish so far. Well, when i was finally done with cooking, with my masterpiece in front of me, i was thinking to myself, "Man, who says you need a wife to cook, and look after you?"

After taking a few mouthfuls..... hmmm.... i take back my thoughts....sheesh....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wei wei! msn/email me your address!