I finally managed to coax my landlord's son into my room to take a pic with me....:)....He is another cute kid..... and my mum says he has a mischievous look. He actually "intruded" into my room, and climbed onto my lap to see why i was speaking to my laptop...haha... that was when my mother saw him.

With this 'kid craze' going inside me, i wonder what would my parents' reaction be if i were to leave Singapore alone, and return with another 2 people............
hey ray, dont get too anxious of having kids.. wait till u are back for your baby plan k..
u are really lucky that u dont have to suffer the haze in sg. The haze is really bad and affect quite a lot of ppl..
oh ya, u look good in the pics.. i dont see any flaws.. haha. I think the weather there must be execellent
That kid is cute.
gosh! this boy, the little one is sooo cute!! take more pics
My luggage is pretty big. Next time I fly SFO, i'll pack the kid in my luggage. No worries.
Oh dear, i wasted money on this lousy digicam... it cant even capture the outbreak i am having...!!!... ahhah...
Its a coffee-nation here...and im drinking more coffee than ever...that means... Outbreaks... sheesh...
no, u should say tht u hv spent ur money on the right digital cam.. Feel good that u made a right choice of digicam :)
Btw, the boy is really cute.. :) He looks smart
hahha... u really like kids.. i nv know that when u r in sg.. hahah... kids are fun to play with cos we only play with them for a couple of hrs... i believe that its diff when we need to take care and have fun with them... hehehe but afterall.. they are cute... =)
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